
Worst Weight Loss Advice? Moving?!

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☑️ Worst Weight Loss Tips and What To Do Instead

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☑️ Worst Weight Loss Tips and What To Do Instead

Losing weight can be an arduous journey. It’s easy to feel frustrated and lose hope. But, there are some things to avoid to help make the trip easier.

The important thing to remember is that quick weight loss isn’t the goal. Fast weight loss is not as healthy as a long-term loss. This is because your body doesn’t maintain fast weight loss. You gain that weight right back.

So how can you healthily lose weight? A healthy diet and exercise in tandem will help you get the right results. Read the rest of this post for more information!

Bad Weight Loss Tip: Just Exercise More

Well, yes and no. Not doing anything at all, of course you need to add in some more exercise. And then yes, you can gradually add in more. 

While physical activity is essential for a healthy lifestyle, it isn’t the only key to weight loss. As we start to work out more, our body adapts to that amount of physical activity. This phenomenon is called a plateau. This table shows what a plateau might look like.

Month 1 Weight Loss 8 lbs
Month 2 Weight Loss 6 lbs
Month 3 Weight Loss 4 lbs

Our body does this to increase our endurance. It trains itself to lose less energy so we can continue doing that activity while getting less tired. You’ll often see great results during the first few weeks of a new exercise regimen, but they suddenly stop.

But don’t completely rule out exercise for your weight loss journey! Physical activity is vital for living a healthy life. It just shouldn’t be the only thing you rely on. Sometimes, if we rely solely on exercising for weight loss, it can actually cause us to make unhealthier choices.

This is because, since we’re exercising, we think we get a free pass to eat stuff that isn’t healthy. Exercising will also make you hungrier since you are burning energy, so you may end up eating a more significant portion size than you actually need.

Bad Weight Loss Tip: Use Fad Diets

One of the worst things you can do when trying to lose weight is to follow a fad diet. A fad diet is a trendy diet. Social media influencers may have introduced you to them.

These diets usually focus on depriving your body of calories to lose weight rapidly. They get you the instant gratification of weight loss, usually within a week or two, but the results don’t last long term. The weight comes off quickly, but it will all come back as soon as you stop the diet.

Firstly, this rapid weight loss isn’t usually body fat. It’s usually water weight or water that our body stores for later use. But, as soon as you stop the diet, the water weight will come back.

Secondly, in extreme cases of nutrient deprivation, your body could start to lose muscle mass or put on even more fat. Your body feels like it’s in danger and begins to make energy reserves to survive.

So don’t be tempted to follow these cure-all diets. You may do more harm than good!

Good Weight Loss Tip: Combine Exercise With A Healthy Diet

You will need to combine a healthy diet with exercise to keep the weight loss. The critical thing to remember is not just to think about your weight loss in terms of pounds or inches. You want to think of your journey as a lifestyle change. By switching your mentality, you are more likely to make lasting changes that will keep the weight off long-term.

What changes should you make? Well, the first change you should make is a healthier diet. This doesn’t mean depriving yourself necessarily, but making healthier food choices at the right amounts. 

A healthy diet should consist of whole foods: proteins, fruits, veggies, good fats, and carbs with a high percentage of fiber. Try to minimize processed foods and sugars like soda. You also want to avoid things that are low-fat or fat-free. You will also need to have physical activity to lose weight. But don’t think that physical activity is a free pass to eat whatever you want. 

You will need to eat the right amount of calories for how much you burn through exercise. For example, if you only burn 500 calories but eat 2,500 calories a day, your body has an extra 2,000 calories that it has to figure out what to do with. 

But, if you live or want to live a highly active lifestyle, and you burn 2,000 calories a day, then a 2,500-calorie diet may not be enough. So be sure to calculate how many calories you need for your activity level. This calculator by the Mayo Clinic is an excellent place to start!


Whatever weight-loss regimen you choose, it’s essential not to be discouraged. Weight loss is a process; it’s about long-term health, not just pounds and inches. 

Focusing on a lifestyle change will make you more likely to lose weight and keep the weight off. You will most likely feel more energized too!





Table: https://www.womenshealthmag.com/weight-loss/a27228970/how-much-weight-can-you-lose-in-a-month/

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☑️ RPT is Moving! 

Excited to announce we are moving to Colony Square shopping Center (1303 Jamestown Road) this summer! More space for those sled drags and sprints:) 

Check out our newsletter and follow us on FB and IG for updates! We posted some pics over the past two weeks! We hope to have a move in date VERY soon!

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Detric Smith, CSCS, ACSM Exercise Physiologist, Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach 

Owner, Results Performance Training


P.S- Email us at [email protected] or Text 757 589 7028 to Get a Free consultation + Trial Session. Learn more about our Group Fitness, Small group, or 1 on 1 training services.

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