Results Performance Training

Fat loss for summer? Realistic expectations + 21 Day JumpStart 

Fat Loss for Summer

 Fat loss for summer? Realistic expectations + 21 Day JumpStart  The weather is warming up!! I’m excited for some good weather for golfing, the beach, and being able to get outside without a million layers on! Fat loss ranks high when it comes to the goals of our members. Especially this time of the year! […]

☑️ Boot Camp Injuries?! How is RPT Different?

Boot Camp Injuries?! How is RPT different?

Warning! This topic always seems to get people a little upset  I can see the unsubscribes going up in 3, 2, and who cares so….. We get a lot of people coming to us from other boot camps and crossfit places after getting injured. I see it ALL the time. I will talk about a few […]

☑️Snow! Home workout tips + Save on Personal Training!

Snow! Home workout tips + Save on Personal Training!

Snow! Home workout tips Stuck in the house?! Or Maybe you prefer to stay away from the gym? Home workouts are very convenient. A few tips to get the most out of your home workout! Top Equipment for home gyms My top 3 pieces of equipment are bands, bench, and adjustable dumbbells. All versatile and […]

☑️Top 5 exercises?

Top 5 exercises

What Are My Top 5 Exercises? That is a tough question! I am going to change the question around so I can list 300 exercises 🙂 I like to break down sessions into these categories… Upper Body Push Upper Body Pull Lower Body Core Accessory Movement I know that is vague, so I plan to […]

Stronger with these 10 tips! 

Stronger with these 10 tips! 

Lift heavier weight! If your goal is to get stronger, toned, or build “lean” muscle then you must lift heavier weights. Yes, it’s about more than just adding weight to the bar. You must control the movements and have good technique. Don’t believe the influencer telling you to lift a light weight for a million […]

Gyms are intimidating?! 

Gyms are intimidating?! 

Gyms can be intimidating for those who are out of shape! I think this is one of the main reasons why so many quit. They enter the gym with no plan just to end up getting bored with the “hop on the treadmill” routine. They get no results and then quit.. Below are some tips […]

☑️No gym membership?! No problem!

No Gym Membership

I work with a lot of people who hate contracts! We have a lot of people with busy schedules that do not want to pay for time they are not able to use. Here are a few tips to get results without a gym membership….. Home workouts with our  program design package –  Nothing is […]

☑️Exercising with injuries?! + 1 on 1 Personal Training vs Group?

☑️Exercising with injuries?! + 1 on 1 Personal Training vs Group?

Are you afraid to start exercising because you have injuries? Here are a few tips to get the most out of your exercise routine if you are injured.  Choose a QUALIFIED professional! Do your research on the qualifications of your personal trainer. Look for certifications from organizations like NSCA, ACSM, or NASM. See if you […]

☑️ Not getting stronger? Here’s Why! + 21 Day jumpstart

21-day Jump Start program

You ONLY do circuit training !- I am not trashing circuit training. Circuit training is beneficial. It’s fun and can pump out those endorphins! We have lots of different options and levels for our circuit training group sessions. We get a lot of work done in a short amount of time and it improves overall […]

☑️ 2025 Fat Loss Goals?

Fat loss goals

Fat loss is the top fitness goal every New Year. Most people fail when it comes to reaching their fat loss goals. Or they lose a few pounds just to put the weight back on. Here are a few tips to lose fat and keep it off in 2025! Say no to fad diets Fad […]