Results Performance Training

Hate Gyms?! Love Results Performance Training !

Hate Gyms?! Love Results Performance Training !

Hate Gyms?! Love Results Performance Training !

If you hate gyms, you will Love Results Performance Training!

I have worked at a lot of gyms and studios since starting my career over two decades ago. I created RPT to be the opposite of most of them. A few reasons why…..

Lack of Accountability 

Big gyms are not designed for you to show up consistently. Most people buy a gym membership and then never show up. The gyms know this. They do not care.
Price points are low enough so when members miss a month or two they just ignore the auto pay. You might see a lot of people in January, then never see them again. The gym never even checks on them.

All about the money! 

I worked at a gym that had trainer names on a board, with how much money they made next to their names. That is how every meeting started. The focus should be on developing your trainers so they can change lives.
At the bigger gyms, memberships account for the majority of the money. They are not investing that much time, money, and energy into personal training.
Have you ever tried getting out of a contract with these big gyms?! Yeah, Good luck with that!

The “Any fitness level” Lie 

I have nothing against gyms that only cater to those who are advanced. But they need to stop lying about it.
So many people come to us after being injured at these gyms and boot camps. These places are a great fit for some people, and horrible for others. They also need to stop calling 30 people in a room for personal training.
Do your research. Just because a place is popular doesn’t mean it’s a good fit for you. Do not assume all gyms and studios are like them! Try out different places. Ask a lot of questions.

Are you ready for a personal training studio that will change your life? 

Email or Send a text to 757 589 7028 for information on our training services. Give us a chance to explain what makes us different from the typical gym that has failed to get you Results!