Results Performance Training

Don’t ignore Mobility Training! 

Mobility Training

Don’t ignore Mobility Training! 

Don’t ignore Mobility Training! 

Mobility training is misunderstood by most! Most people ignore it. This is a BIG mistake.

It’s not the same as flexibility training! 

Below are some quick definitions and examples…
Flexibility- The ability to stretch and elongate muscles, tendons, and ligaments. For example, touching your toes is a test of your flexibility.
Mobility- The ability to move through a full range of motion, especially in joints. For example, being able to move your shoulders easily when doing arm circles.
Two minutes of touching your toes and a quad stretch is not mobility training!

Does not have to be long or complicated! 

Some people believe mobility training has to be this complicated hour-long session to be effective. This is not true.
Something as simple as doing circles around every joint plus cat-cow for spine mobility is a good start. At RPT, we understand everybody is different. We can create a routine that works well with your body type, abilities, and the time you have.
We do mobility training during every session because it is VERY important. I don’t care if you are 16 or 70. You need to get in the habit of consistently doing mobility training.
We even have members who do 1 on 1 or semi-private sessions just for mobility.

Mobility and stability work together to prevent injury-

 Stability is your body’s ability to safely and effectively maintain and control various postures as well as resist changes in equilibrium.
The functional strength training at RPT will help you improve stability.
An injured muscle or joint is usually because you lack mobility or stability elsewhere. For example, improving hip mobility and core strength will help prevent low back pain.

Ready to improve mobility training with RPT?

Send a text to 757 589 7028 or email and we will help you set up a free consutlation to learn more!