Results Performance Training

☑️ Not getting stronger? Here’s Why! + 21 Day jumpstart

21-day Jump Start program

☑️ Not getting stronger? Here’s Why! + 21 Day jumpstart

You ONLY do circuit training !-

I am not trashing circuit training. Circuit training is beneficial. It’s fun and can pump out those endorphins! We have lots of different options and levels for our circuit training group sessions. We get a lot of work done in a short amount of time and it improves overall health.

If your goal is to maximize your strength levels, you need more than circuit training. Having a plan with sets, reps, weights, rest periods, and accountability to increasing those weights improves strength much faster. The people who just care about how much they can sweat during a session are not getting much stronger.

No goal setting/Unrealistic goals

I meet with so many clients who have no goals, or unrealistic goals. Strength can be a slow process. Gaining quality muscle might happen even slower.

Set goals for the weights you want to use on exercises. Check in with a trainer to help you set realistic goals. Nothing worse than setting your goals too high or too low. A personal trainer can help you stay motivated and on track.

No program design/not tracking exercises and weights –

You can not “wing it” with your routine and expect to get results. You need to have a program with sets, reps, rest periods, and tracking things over time. Track the weights you are using with notes on if it feels easy, medium, or hard. This is where a personal trainer can help you make faster progress.

Also, read about ☑️ 2025 Fat Loss Goals?

Choosing the wrong exercise

Picking the wrong exercises will lead to no progress, frustration, and injuries. Doing a million burpees and bicep curls will not make you stronger. We focus on the foundational movement patterns that will lead to faster progress. We focus on functional strength.

Failure to find the intensity sweet spot

You will need to work hard consistently in order to see results. Most people are at the extremes. Doing sets in between texting. Or doing 5 million burpees trying to destroy themselves.

You will need to have a plan to improve flexibility and mobility in order to stay injury free. This will increase the exercises that can safely be added to your program.

Having a trainer design your program and hold you accountable will change your life.

Looking to try out RPT?! We have a 21-day Jump Start program that will allow you to try out our services without a contract! Text 21-day Jump Start program

to 757 589 7028 for more information!