Results Performance Training

☑️ Training in Your 40s, 50s, 60+!

Training in Your 40s, 50s, and 60s

☑️ Training in Your 40s, 50s, 60+!

It’s a lot different. Actually, not really. Well, it depends. Let me explain…..

Time Flies

Time really flies. Seems like just yesterday I was the 16-year-old kid who started working out after being cut. Being told I was too weak definitely turned that into a positive!

Gaining Experience

At 42, with over two decades of training experience, I am just starting to get it 🙂 I have worked with members from 10 to 80+. There is a difference between understanding and really understanding. My life, goals, body, everything has changed a lot over the years. It will continue to change as I get older.

A Few Things I Am Starting to Understand

Treat Everyone Like an Individual

Every member is treated like an individual. It’s a big mistake to make assumptions based on the age of an individual. We look at their previous exercise history, injury history, goals, everything.

There is a big difference between someone who has exercised over the past 3 decades and someone who has not. Your goals are probably different today than they were 3 decades ago! It’s NEVER too late to start or get back into the swings of things.


Get rid of the “I’m too old to…..” mindset. Stop comparing yourself to who you were 30 years ago. The people who do this never make progress! Surround yourself with positive people and focus on today!

More Flexibility and Mobility Training as We Age

Never skip the warm-up and cool down! Devote more time to mobility and flexibility training as you get older. Most 20-year-olds can get away with not doing much. But it catches up with all of us over time. We include this with every single workout to help prevent injury.

The Importance of Strength Training

Every person needs to be doing strength training! Cardio is not enough!

Do you want to continue to do the things you are doing now? Be able to golf 20 years from now? Book that active vacation in your 70s and 80s? Be able to take care of your family? Not having to worry about your family taking care of you?

Strength training is about more than building muscle. It’s about aging gracefully.

Choosing Joint-Friendly Exercises / Low Impact Cardio and Exercises

Training smart becomes even more important as we age! You cannot get away with doing stupid stuff anymore.

That popular boot camp with 100 people and extreme exercises used to be cool. You used to be able to get away with the extreme exercises and the beat-down sessions. You will get to a point where you will get injured just looking at those sessions!

Must read about: Intermittent Fasting? Back Pain? 75 Hard?

It’s about living life. Following the influencer with “cool” exercises will not work anymore! Choose a personal trainer who will write an individualized program designed for your body and goals.

Surround Yourself with People Like You!

Having a support group for accountability will make a big difference! We listen to your needs during the consultation to help you find the best service and best group.

In addition to our 1-on-1 training, we have semi-private groups of 2 to 5 people and our regular groups of 5 to 12. We take the time to understand your goals, schedule, budget, and the people you feel comfortable working with. We will help you find the best service to reach your fitness goals!

Get Started Today!

Email [email protected] or text 757-589-7028 for a free consultation and trial session!